
Showing posts from 2016

Common Traits of The Best Developers I've Worked With

I've been fortunate to have worked with a lot of great developers over the years, and for all the differences in coding style, personality, and preferences that these diverse individuals have, they also happen to share several common traits. Below is a list of the qualities that I've found have been shared by all of the best developers I've worked with. They're collaborative -- not competitive These people work with  you, not in competition with you. They're team players, and want you to succeed as much as they want to succeed themselves. By contrast, whenever I hear a developer talk about keeping their "edge" over others, I know they're focused primarily on themself. That old saying about how there's "no I in team" is corny, but true. Will you be that cool dev that everyone feels they can come to with a problem, or the one who always has to sound like the smartest guy in the room? They value best practices Deisgn patterns, S.O.L.I.D. pri...

A Red Herring When Using Moq to Mock Methods With Optional Parameters

I recently spent some time writing unit tests for some code that required me to mock an object that has a method with optional properties. I used the Moq framework, and when I set up the method in question, I defaulted the optional parameters. This was required, as leaving them out of the Setup() call was not allowed. Also as part of my set up of this method, I instructed Moq to return the first parameter as the return value. I've had plenty of experience with Moq and setting up return values for mocked methods, but it didn't prepare me for the mistake I had unknowingly made. Here's how I set the method up originally: _repoMock.Setup(x =>  x.Save( It .IsAny< Click >(),  It .IsAny< string >(),  It .IsAny< bool >(),  It .IsAny< bool >()))     .Returns(( Click  click) => click); When I ran my unit test, the method above resulted in a "Parameter count mismatch" exception. I checked and doub...

How to Add a Reference to System.ServiceModel (WCF) to an ASP.NET 5 Application

I ran into a situation yesterday wherein I needed to add a reference to System.ServiceModel to an application using DNX RC1 Final Update 1 (if it's "final", why is there an update? I digress...). To do this, I had to add a frameworkAssemblies  property to the JSON object for dnx451  declared under frameworks  in my project.json file, and then add the System.ServiceModel reference there, as shown below:   "frameworks": {     "dnx451": {       "dependencies": {         "CMS.Services.Contracts": "1.0.0-*",         "CSharpSDK": "1.0.0-*"       },       "frameworkAssemblies": {         "System.ServiceModel": ""       }     }   },