
Showing posts from April, 2006

Simulating VB's App.PrevInstance in VB.NET and C#

Disclaimer: The following information is for educational uses only. Please do not use to leak classified information. Versions of Visual Basic prior to VB.NET had an App object (not to be confused with .NET's Application object) which exposed some useful functionality, including the PrevInstance function, which indicated whether or not a previous instance of the application was currently running. This function does not exist in VB.NET, but the functionality itself is present. This posting will show you how to use it, both in VB.NET and C#. To determine if a previous version of the application is running, we can use the Process object contained within the System.Diagnostics namespace. Specifically, the Process object's GetProcessesByName() method provides the functionality we need. Take a look at the C# code below (a using System.Diagnostics; declaration is implied): public int iGetProcessCount( string ProcessName ) {    Process[] proc = null;    try ...