"Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow" Error When Retrieving Data From Oracle In .NET

I ran into this fun little exception today when calling a stored procedure in Oracle from some .NET code. The error message was "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow", and from what I was able to Google, it seemed like it was caused by a difference in precision between numeric data types in .NET and Oracle, or by the need to compile the code in 32-bit mode. But in my case, neither was the cause. When one of our DBAs suggested I try the same code using the simple "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" query, and the exception still occurred, I began to look for other reasons.

Fortunately, it was an easy fix. The cause of the problem was actually a setting on the DevArt OracleCommand object being used in the .NET code. Here is the offending line of code:

command.FetchSize = int.MaxValue;

Removing this line of code corrected the problem.


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